Are You Dreaming of a NYC Rooftop Garden?

When winter winds are blowing and there’s snow in every direction, urban gardening may be the last thing on your mind. But every great rooftop garden started as a dream, and now is the best time to do that dreaming. The dreams you have now can lead to plans, and sharing those plans with your favorite NYC urban garden team means that in a very few short months, your vision can be a luxurious green reality.Here’s what you need to be doing right now. Take some time to sit back and relax. Imagine what your ideal NYC urban garden would look like. Have conversations with your partner, family and friends about what you’d like this space to look like, and what you’d like to use the space for, such as relaxation or entertaining. Flip through your favorite garden magazines, or look for ideas online – Pinterest or Instagram is a great source of inspiration.

Collect the ideas and inspirations you find to be the most compelling in a NYC urban garden file.

Don’t worry right now about whether that exact look or feature will work in the space you have available; that part of the process comes later. Right now, it’s all about cultivating your vision. The more time you spend thinking about your rooftop garden, the clearer you’ll become on what exactly you’d like that green space to look like, and how you’d like it to function. That’s the most important information your urban garden designer will need to create a space you adore. It’s also a good idea to think about how hands-on you’d like to be with your urban garden.

For some people, planting, watering, and pulling weeds is all part of the fun, while other people prefer to do nothing but enjoy their beautiful green spaces.

Discussing this with your NYC urban garden designer will ensure you wind up with a rooftop garden that really makes you happy. Right now, it seems like spring is a long time away. But it will be here before you know it. Spending some time dreaming about and planning your NYC urban garden now will give you a head start on creating an amazing green space once spring arrives!

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