The Benefits of Having an Urban Garden

A certain comforting feeling lingers around the idea of a home. It’s a safe place, and it’s your space that you have defined.  But with city living, this idyllic oasis can be disrupted with honking horns, sirens, rowdy neighbors, and the hustle and bustle of people. Your home is your sanctuary, a place to relish the end of a workday with a charming smile and hot cup of tea. You want to do whatever you can to preserve this space and everything it represents.While your home is your daily escape, a different feeling surrounds the idea of a vacation. A vacation is that idea that relieves us from even our home stresses – a true escape. But what if you could tap into that sense of relief within your home, setting the peaceful tone of each new day starting and ending in a serene oasis?Consider the benefits of an urban garden to better your living space and quality of life.

Plants Are Pretty Much Miracle Workers

Just as we learned in school, photosynthesis is key. And in NYC, the process provides a powerful argument as to why plants must be assimilated into city homes. Plants do all of the following:

  • Fight pollution: Not only do they naturally, but researchers say that they have the power to undo damage we’ve caused to the environment. How? By absorbing harmful gases and toxins found in the air.
  • Replenish oxygen: Through the well-known photosynthesis process, they do this while also lessening CO2.
  • Help ward off colds and other illnesses: The therapeutic quality of growing plants boosts immune health, and you can even choose to grow special teas or herbs.
  • Improve mood: Plants are natural mood enhancers, by catering to Feng Shui energy balance and beatifying your space.

Plants have always managed to please us aesthetically, but the types you choose to include in your garden also portray your personality.

Eating Healthy May Mean Al Fresco

NYC has been a city of dining innovation, but it’s often expensive, crowded, and we hardly have the time to stop and smell the roses (quite literally). As a result, we tend to adapt poor eating habits such as mowing down a premade burger in front of our computer screen.It takes a bit of self-discipline to un-plug and force away digital distractions, but when you eat in a tranquil setting, you will automatically eat better quality food. Add some vitamin D to your meal by enjoying it with a side of sun.Another healthy eating habit is to eat socially. Have friends and family over in your garden – the perfect recipe for a good night.With all of these healthy and positive vibes, emotional eating may just be redefined into something upbeat and wholesome.

Reading Outdoors Heightens Your Attention Plan

“Reading gives us a place to go when we want to stay where we are”Jane Austin’s quote is reminiscent of an urban garden.Combine the two sentiments and you’re in for an adventure. Because peaceful settings, outdoor lighting, and plants all improve mood and memory, the days of re-reading the same sentences over and over again are, well… over! Your new environment will heighten comprehension and focus. A simple bench with ample room for you and your thoughts becomes the perfect vessel for escaping the city, especially when surrounded by hyacinths, peonies, and mums.

Let the Benefits Begin!

According to the American Society of Horticultural Science, in The United States, people may spend up to 90% of their time indoors. Outside is where the livin’ is happening. Explore our Urban Garden section to learn even more about how one may benefit your city dwelling.

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