NYC Urban Gardens: Daring To Dream

A quick glance out the window will reveal that there’s still a little bit of snow on the ground, but don’t let that stop you. The urban gardening season is getting underway. It’s Dream Season – the most wonderful time of the year. What is Dream Season?Dream Season begins when the NYC urban gardener looks at the spaces on and around their home and says, “How can this spot be transformed into a more beautiful space?”

During Dream Season, you have the freedom to be totally open minded and consider all possibilities.Think about a roof top NYC urban garden – these lush green spaces are becoming treasured retreats in many neighborhoods. An evolving trend is the increasing incorporation of fresh vegetables, berry bushes, and even dwarf fruit trees into the rooftop garden.

The food looks and tastes great – and there’s nothing as satisfying as eating the salad you’ve grown yourself. Beautiful flowers and texturally compelling ornamental grasses continue to be strong favorites.If you can dream it, your NYC Urban Garden Designer can help you make it happen.

No space is too small or difficult for the determined urban gardener. During Dream Season, we acknowledge that the impetus to growth and life is the strongest force of the universe. There is greenery to be found in the sand-swept Sahara. Plants grow on the International Space Station, thousands of miles from the familiarity of Earth. No environment is too hostile.

Your NYC urban garden designer can even conquer the challenge of your patio or balcony so you can have the beautiful, restful, verdant space your heart is longing for. Your mission during Dream Season is to begin crafting a personal vision of your own NYC urban garden. Browse through your favorite online garden magazines, check the garden boards on Pinterest, and search for inspiration. Make note of the looks you like best, especially any ‘must have’ features that fill your heart with delight. When you meet with your NYC urban garden designer, you can use these notes to start transforming your Dream Urban Garden into a lovely reality!

Dream Season passes quickly, and before you know it, it’ll be time to start planning and planting. Schedule time with your NYC urban garden designer today to beat the rush! You’ll be glad you did.

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