The Season Is Changing

Everywhere around us we see signs that the season is changing. The days are growing shorter and the nights have become more cold. Leaves are turning from vivid emeralds and forest greens to brilliant reds and fiery oranges. Although the warmer weather is leaving us, it doesn’t mean the vibrant colors of your garden will leave too. Here are some of the perfect fall blooming flowers to keep your garden bright and happy all throughout the autumn months.Beautyberry For a dose of purple in your garden this fall, Beautyberries are the perfect way to keep your garden alive.

They grow pretty fast and you’ll enjoy lilac during the spring and purple berries during the fall. All year round, you’ll get to reap the benefits of this gorgeous shrub!In keeping with the purple theme, Colchicums are also beautiful fall flowers. Fall crocuses spring up from bulbs and are ready to show their true colors come fall time. Most people might thing the flower comes from the bulb family, but it is actually a member of the lily family.

HeatherHeather or otherwise known as Calluna is a gorgeous pink flower that blooms in the fall. It also comes in purples and white if you want variety. You’ll also be able to cover a lot of land with these flowers which add volume to your garden. The foliage on the flowers vary from bronze to green and break up the sweeping soft colors of the flower.

Iberis Not only does this pure white flower bloom in the spring but it also blooms in late autumn. Expect to be in awe of this flowers innocent beauty. The Iberis plant is perfect to plant by a rock wall. Eventually the flower will grow to cascade all along the wall and create the perfect backdrop for any fall day. Chrysanthemums

All fall’s most popular flower, you can never go wrong with planting Chrysanthemums in your garden. The flowers symbolize optimism and are known for their vivid pink color. They also come and yellow are the perfect way to add a bit of sunshine to your day during the gloomier days of fall.Although you won’t be able to enjoy your garden in the sun, you’ll still be able to admire its beauty with these fall blooming flowers. We hope you’re enjoying flannel season as much as we are!

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